1. Protection of Minors
With the Internet so readily accessible via mobile devices and in homes around the world, responsible online gambling relies heavily on parental control and supervision. In order to ensure child safety on the Net, Betway encourages its Customers to make use of filtering software to prevent minors from accessing inappropriate online material.
Tips for Parents:
Underage gambling is not only illegal, but can also result in gambling dependencies and huge gambling debts incurred by unsupervised children.
So, if you share your mobile phone, tablet, laptop or computer with friends or family who are under the legal age to participate in online gambling, Betway advocates you restrict their access to our website by registering with Net Nanny, a world leader in real-time Internet filtering technology.
Other Important Tips:
Never gamble if:
2. The Gaming Contract and Privacy
To participate at Betway, you are required to enter into a ‘Gaming Contract’ with Betway Limited during the registration process by submitting personal data and marking the box labelled “Yes, I agree to the Terms and Conditions”. By entering into a ‘Gaming Contract’ with Betway Limited you are bound by the its Terms and Conditions, its Privacy Policy, promotion- or competition- specific terms and conditions, and other rules and policies relevant to your Participation.
In turn, Betway Limited is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal data. For further details, please view our Privacy Policy.
3. Rules of Play
Before you start gaming at Betway, we recommend that you familiarise yourself with the rules of the games and, in the case of our Casino, try our “Practice Play” mode.
4. General Odds of Winning
As regards casino games, Betway ensures to, in accordance with the way in which the game is designed, payout on average a prize amounting to ninety two percent (92 %) or more of the money or money’s worth wagered to the customer. This percentage indicates the international standard distribution ratio or Return To Player (RTP) with regard to online casino games, which is calculated according to the ratio between monies wagered and winnings. It is based on settings of the random number generator and will be achieved on a long-term and average basis. In general, the RTP ratio of casino games offered by Betway exceeds 95%.
To ensure the maximum protection of our Customers, the payout percentages of our casino games are both certified and published by eCOGRA on a monthly basis.
Click here to view the latest eCOGRA certifications.
5. Odds of Winning per Game
Click here to see the Return To Player (RTP) ratio of each game offered at Betway.
6. Customer Complaints, ADR/ODR Services
Customer complaints/claims of any nature must be submitted within 3 months of the issue occurring.
IMPORTANT: to ensure your complaint/claim is directed to and investigated by the correct department, written communication must be submitted to Betway via the following means:
For Customers who are residents of Great Britain
E-mail: [email protected]
Post: Betway Limited, PO Box 70417, London, NW1W 7LN
For Customers who are not residents of Great Britain
E-mail: [email protected]
Post: Betway Limited, PO Box 29, Malta Post, Gzira, GZR-1300, MALTA
In addition, the written communication must contain the following information:
a) your username/account number
b) your registered First Name and Surname
c) a detailed explanation of the complaint/claim
d) specific dates and times associated with the complaint/claim (if applicable)
Note: failure to submit a written communication as outlined above may result in a delay and our ability to identify and respond to your complaint/claim in a timely manner.
Upon receipt, best efforts will be made to resolve any reported matter promptly and, at a maximum, within one month. If for some reason You are not satisfied with the resolution of Your complaint/claim, You may refer the matter to one of our named ADR entities, alternatively, You can refer the matter via the European Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Platform, who will then forward it on to the relevant ADR entity.
Each ADR entity will act as an impartial adjudicator on disputes that arise between Betway and a Customer only when:
a) the Customer has been through Betway’s own internal dispute procedure; and
b) a deadlock regarding the resolution exists.
ADR entities available to Customers who are residents of Great Britain,
ADR entities available to Customers who are not residents of Great Britain,
Important to note: ADR is a free of charge service and the ruling reached by the ADR entity will be considered final by both Betway and the Customer, subject to full representation being given to all parties involved.
Click here for more information about IBAS’s adjudication service and to complete the IBAS Adjudication Form.
Click here for more information about eCOGRA’s dispute resolution service and to complete the eCOGRA Dispute Form.
Click here for more information about the MGA’s online gaming support service and to complete the MGA Complaint Form.
Click here for more information about the ODR Platform’s services and to complete the ODR Complaint Form.
Should You ever suspect that a Customer is colluding with another Customer or cheating in any way, please notify Betway via the means of communication listed in the above Customer Complaints procedure.
Last updated: 14/04/2016 at 16:00 GMT.